Heureka-hetket ovat videoita, joissa toteutetaan hilpeitä, hulvattomia ja hätkähdyttäviä tieteellisiä temppuja. Ne muistuttavat tieteenteon perimmäisestä olemuksesta – leikkimielisestä kokeilusta ja oivalluksen riemusta. Monia tempuista voit testata itse.
23. Heirloom deathblow
The experiment is based on a classic trick performed by magicians, in which the ring due to the influence of gravity spins in time and remains hanging on the chain. In the version shown in the video, unlike the traditional version, the tire also has a small gap through which the chain can partially pass through and the tire seems to go through the chain.
For example, magicians use the laws of physics combined with movement that is too fast for the eye to perceive. Depending on the metal, its melting point can vary surprisingly much.
For example, mercury already melts at -39 °C and gallium at 30 °C.
22. Western of the month: Toilet paper duel
The handsome trajectory of the toilet paper is based on the Bernoulli effect. According to Bernoulli's law, the pressure of a fluid, in this case air, decreases as its velocity increases. In the experiment, a negative pressure is created above the toilet paper roll, which lifts the toilet paper upwards and makes it fly a longer distance. As can be seen in the experiment, the Bernoulli effect is stronger the higher the air speed.
21. Potato chips vs. teddy bears
Potato chips burn surprisingly well and would be perfect for lighting a campfire. The dry potato in the potato chip ignites easily with the abundant fat in the chip, creating a handsome flame. In the case of Nallekarki, potassium chlorate decomposes at high temperature into potassium perchlorate and further into oxygen. At the same time, the sugar and other flammable substances in the teddy bear oxidize strongly, creating a beautiful flame. The end products are a lot of heat, potassium chloride as a product of the decomposition of potassium chlorate, and carbon dioxide and water from the oxidation of sugar. How much energy there is in these little treats!
20. Bowling ball of death
Although the test may seem wild, the assistant is completely safe. If the assistant lets go of the pendulum without giving it momentum, in an ideal world the pendulum would return to exactly the same place after the swing touching the nose of the assistant. In the real world, however, the pendulum is also slowed down by joint friction and air resistance, so the pendulum stops several centimeters from the assistant's head.
19. A fountain à la Heureka
All experiments have the same basic idea, but the phenomenon is realized with different methods. The volume of both carbon dioxide ice and liquid nitrogen is significantly smaller in the solid and liquid states compared to the gaseous state. When the carbon dioxide ice becomes cloudy or the liquid nitrogen gasses, a greater pressure is created in the container, which pushes the gas (experiments 1 and 3) or the liquid (experiment 2) out of the container. In turn, the "cloud" created in all experiments is small ice crystals that are created when very cold carbon dioxide ice or liquid nitrogen freezes water quickly. In experiments 1 and 3, the water to be frozen is added to the container, in experiment 2, on the other hand, the water vapor in the air is cooled.
18. How to grow muscles without training
Marshmallows contain many small air bubbles. When the pressure of the air surrounding the marshmallow is reduced, the air bubbles inside the marshmallows expand and cause the marshmallows to bulge. When the marshmallow swells, however, the structure of the marshmallow partially breaks down, so when the external pressure returns to its original state, the marshmallows do not return completely to their original state.
17. Freezing footprints of the bogeyman
In the experiment, a saturated sodium acetate solution is prepared, i.e. no more sodium acetate can be dissolved in the solution. The experiment is very sensitive to impurities and requires extreme cleanliness in all stages. As the solution cools, the solution becomes supersaturated. Supersaturated sodium acetate solution crystallizes when touched.
16. How to split a rubber boot with a karate kick
Boiling liquid nitrogen has a temperature of -196 °C.
At a sufficiently low temperature, polymers such as plastics and rubbers reach their brittle point, when the object loses its flexibility and becomes "glassy". A glassy boot breaks easily from a well-aimed blow.