Space Weeks 18–29 November 2024

Look up at the sky and gaze at the stars! During the Heureka space weeks, we offer a special program on space topics for early childhood education, comprehensive school and upper secondary school groups.
Kuvassa Ursan puhallettava ja helposti paikasta toiseen siirrettävä planetaariokupu ulkoapäin.

Explore current phenomena in the night sky

Ursa planetarium show

Welcome to explore the starry sky!
In this presentation you will learn what is visible in the sky right now and what you can find there. We'll explore constellations, planets and other celestial objects in a live guided tour.

Who: Pre-school, grades 1–9 and upper secondary school groups
Age limit 6 years.
Duration: approx. 20 min + 10 min for questions.
Number of seats: Max. 25 people per performance
Language: Finnish (you can ask for English version also)

The planetarium presentation is included in the price of the exhibition ticket.

The planetarium dome is airtight and you enter through two airlock doors. The dome is accessible with an assistant, even in a wheelchair.

Book your seats for the planetarium show
  • Heurekan Tiedettä pallolla -kohteella "tulinen" kuva planeetasta.

    Solar System

    The Solar System show led by an inspirer takes you to a fascinating tour to the planets of our Solar system.
    Which of them would you like to travel to?

    Read more about the Solar System show
  • Moon Tour

    In the Moon Tour we get to know the Earth's own Moon: what is it like and how did it come to be? In addition to our own Moon, let's get to
    know the other moons of our Solar System too.

    Read more about the Moon Tour
  • Kuvassa öinen metsämaisema, jota hallitsee vihreät revontulet taivaalla.

    Northern Lights

    Let's get to know the Northern Lights as a phenomenon. The show will be in Finnish.

    Read more about the Northern Lights show
  • Kuutio, jossa jonkinlainen satelliitti, huoneessa, joka on vuorattu isoilla piikeillä.

    Kitsat satellite survey

    Kitsat is a fully functional Cubesat. Kitsat is specially designed for educational use and includes a small one-unit Cubesat satellite and a ground station. With Kitsat you can learn what a satellite is like, how it is made, what parts it consists of and how it works. In the non-stop workshop, Kitsat is assembled from ready-made pieces and we get to know the operation of the satellite's measurement sensors.

  • Kuvassa mielikuvituseläin, joka on koottu yhdistämällä eri eläinten osista. Sillä on dinosauruksen pää, yksisarvisen sarvi, poron eturuumis ja sian takaruumis.

    Exo Life Workshop

    Science already knows of thousands of exoplanets, whole worlds orbiting a star other than the Sun. We can draw conclusions about the conditions on those planets and use them to guess what life might be like there. In the workshop, you'll get to build imaginative creatures, and animate them against the backdrop of various hypothetical exo-worlds.

  • Violetinsävyinen kuvituskuva avaruudesta.

    What happens in the sky?

    Have you ever observed the starry sky? Come and make your own handy star chart, the planisphere, to help you explore the sky. And then just point your eyes towards the night sky!