Heurekassa on klassikkohde, jossa voi ohjata sähköä lasin takaa kädellä. Kuvassa on lasinen putki, jossa näkyy sinistä ja valkoista valoa. Mies ja nainen koskettavat lasia käsillään.

Interactive exhibitions with long experience – Worldwide

Heureka aims to share its unique exhibitions and exhibits with a global audience. Heureka Overseas Productions Ltd manages a wide-ranging selection of both touring exhibitions and exhibit copies for this very purpose.

Each year, our exhibitions travel to locations outside of Finland to ensure that an even wider audience can have the same experience as our local visitors.

  • Our Journey in Space

    Welcome aboard the Space Station of the Future! The exhibition takes you to an imaginary space station of the future, where you learn about space activities by contributing to the tasks of space professionals who protect Earth and explore the universe.

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  • Heurekan leikin voima näyttelyssä on lupa hassutella.

    The Power of Play

    Long live playfulness and curiousity! The Power of Play exhibition encourages children and adults alike to throw themselves into the world of play.

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  • Wild Wild Wood

    The exhibition is a multisensory, personal and powerful experience of the wonders of wood, with many shared and engaging activities!

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  • Mind Your Brain!

    Mind Your Brain! exhibition features many ways to take good care of your brain. The brain benefits from us using it!

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  • Move and Play!

    Move and play! inspires visitors to move, play and have fun together through shared activities. The interactive exhibits are fun games, but they involve no sports.

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  • Children's Heureka

    "All together now!" is the basic idea behind this active and interactive exhibition. Visitors can join forces to build, create and play! ontrol, agility and balance.

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  • Heurekan Klassikot -näyttelyssä tyttö ja poika vierittävät palloja kaltevia metallisiltoja pitkin.

    Heureka Classics

    The Heureka Classics exhibition features a selection of the most loved, eye-opening experiences which have been on display at Heureka in the past.

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  • Heureka Goes Crazy

    Heureka Goes Crazy is the first-ever science centre exhibition on mental health. This exhibition aims to dispel prejudices associated with mental health problems and to encourage people to take care of their own well-being.

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  • Heureka Science Circus

    Heureka’s Science Circus is a travelling exhibition comprised of some of Heureka’s all-time favourite exhibits and a fun-filled science theatre show. The interactive and circus-like approach of the exhibition teaches the audience about science through discovery.

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  • Heurekan innoittaja Heko, suuri vahvistin, monta värikästä sähköpalloa sekä iso sähköputki kuvassa.

    Pop-up Heureka

    Pop-up Heureka is an entertaining science show featuring demonstrations, experiments and interaction, revealed surprisingly from a travelling trunk right in the middle of the audience.

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  • Info

    Heureka, the Finnish Science Centre has more than thirty years of experience in designing and building touring exhibitions. Since 2003, Heureka Overseas Productions Ltd has been responsible for the rentals and sales of Heureka’s travelling exhibitions.

    Heureka’s exhibitions have travelled in nearly thirty countries and been visited by 29 million people worldwide. In the production phase, we pay special attention to the technical requirements of travelling exhibitions. Exhibits are designed for easy moving and packing. All exhibitions fit to 2–6 containers. They usually operate in at least three languages simultaneously. The exhibition size ranges from 300 m² to 600 m².

    Heureka’s expertise in designing and producing exhibits ensure a high-quality learning experience. We believe that the joy of discovery belongs to everyone and therefore, our exhibitions are designed to appeal to all age groups.

  • Concept Exhibitions

    When purchasing a concept exhibition, you will receive the idea and guidelines to how to create an inspirational, high quality and engaging exhibition of your own design.

    When you choose a concept exhibition, you can find the best cost-effective production and design for your own purposes, no matter where you are. Also, a part of the development is localised to create tailor-made content closer to your audience and its culture: you will be developing your own exhibition, but faster. Ultimately, it is a co-creation process where you can reinvent the outcome and still have the essence of an exhibition developed with Heureka’s high standards. As an experience, it
    is unique and unrepeatable.

  • Content Creation Consultation

    We can identify the topics and provide the required tools to create memorable experiences. Consultation is always tailor-made for your purposes and to meet your needs.

    An intensive consultation based on topics that interest you and your team. The topics can vary from idea identification and content development to exhibition design process and exhibit production. The expertise in providing unique experiences and engaging exhibitions, know-how and
    problem-solving are some of the skills you will benefit from Heureka’s team members facilitating this workshop. The workshop is oriented to provide tools for the exhibition creation process and offer you the required know-how to face new challenges and/or overcome existing ones.

Heureka-klassikoiden näytellykohteella tyttö katselee metallista suurta "hanaa", josta tippuu vesipisaroita.

Travelling Exhibitions

Heureka’s temporary exhibitions cover a vast number of different themes. We offer both rental and sales turnkey packages that include exhibit design, installation and maintenance services. You can also pick and mix the exhibits in any way you like.

All our exhibitions have a solid scientific background and have been tested in our science centre. Over the years, Heureka’s exhibitions have covered a vast variety of themes and topics. With up-to-date themes, our expertise in content design and production ensures a fun educational
experience for all ages. Rather than creating an exhibition from scratch yourself, you can rent or purchase a Heureka exhibition and literally save hours of your time and money. Furthermore, if you decide to buy a copy, you are free to rent it further to others. You can choosea turnkey solution of any exhibition in our portfolio.

Examples of these are Children’s Heureka, Move and Play!, 20X0 – A Journey into the Future and the Science Circus. More than 30 Heureka’s exhibitions have already travelled in almost thirty countries and been visited by 29 million people worldwide.

Designed for easy moving and packing, all Heureka exhibitions fit into 2–6 containers. The exhibits usually operate in at least three
languages simultaneously, with exhibition sizes ranging from 300 m² to 600 m². We pay special attention to technical requirements of travelling exhibitions in the production phase.

Individual Parts of the Exhibitions

You can also pick and mix the exhibits in any way you like. You have the possibility to choose just one piece, or an entire collection to
complement your existing exhibition. This enables you to prolong the lifetime of an existing exhibition in a cost-effective way. By buying individual parts of our other exhibits, you can also upgrade and expand the theme of your own exhibition.

Customized Copy of an Exhibition

Often the exhibition is perfect as it is, but there are times when it might lack a specific necessary element for your market and its customers. Some exhibits may simply not match your market due to their cultural context. For those situations, we offer the possibility to tailor the exhibition according to the specifics known only to you.

Tyttö ihmettelee hymyillen virtapiiriä.

Science Workshops

The Science learning programmes provide a practical, inquiry and phenomena-based method for science and STEM subject learning. The learning programmes support science and cross-curricula learning, future workforce skill learning, communication, and teamwork. The learning
outcomes include a better understanding of science and STEM subjects and science working skills, ICT use and sustainability.  Children are proven to gain learning outcomes from participating in learning programmes and visiting exhibitions at a science centre (H. Salmi, H. Thuneberg, M-P. Vainikainen 2017, J. Falk, M. Storksdieck 2005).

Heureka can provide ready-made themed learning programme concepts including learning targets, necessary material and equipment lists and full manuscripts with background information and tips and instructions for facilitating the learning programme for students.

Heureka’s learning programmes are tested in practice and have been run multiple times at the Science Centre and thus been polished to
operate smoothly and provide the wanted outcomes. The learning programmes are divided into selected themes, e.g., chemistry,
sustainability, and electronics. Employee training is included in the concept. The ready-made science learning programmes are an ideal fit for museums, science centres and edutainment companies and provide an inspiring offering to deepen scientific understanding of visitors.


Consultation is always tailor-made for customers. The target is to help the customerwith theme and/or content identification, exhibit identification and creating travelling exhibitions for museums, science centres or showrooms for companies. Heureka’s knowledge and experience in creating exhibits and experiences is always utilized.

Consultation is always tailor-made for customers. The target is to help the customer with theme and/or content identification, exhibit
identification and creating travelling exhibitions for museums, science centres or showrooms for companies. Heureka’s knowledge and experience in creating exhibits and experiences is always utilized.

Usually the consultation starts with a current state analysis of existing studies and materials. It will then continue with a co-working day during which different themes will be brought together, for example new exhibit ideation, SWOT analysis, target audience identification, drawing value proposals for customers and defining the key messages depending on the customer’s needs. Also areas such as customer segments in science centres, consumer journeys and exhibition business can be explored. After the consultation, a summary report with concreate examples is provided and communicated.

  • Contact us

    For more information about the touring exhibitions as well as other related services, please contact:

    Irmeli Jyrinsalo
    Senior Export Advisor
    +358 40 9015 255
