ABLOY and Heureka

Promises to the future - time capsule & code lock box workshops

" Genuine enthusiasm for cooperation, partner's wishes
listening and interactive ideation together came really naturally from the Heureka team, and through them we were able to plan and implement a diamond collaboration that achieved all our goals.

In March 2024, Heureka and Abloy merged
strength for a more responsible future in an unprecedented cooperation that encouraged people to think about the future. Visitors to Heureka had the opportunity to deposit their own promise for future generations in their own code lock box and in the wonderful Abloy and Heureka time capsule, which will be opened next time in a hundred years!

The heart of the collaboration was the Abloy point, prominently located in the lobby of Heureka, where you could drop your own future promise into the impressive time capsule of Abloy and Heureka. The time capsule was made by Heureka and it contained wonderful functional features, such as LED lights, a digital screen and an interactive motion detector.

Lockbox workshops organized in Heureka were also an important part of the cooperation. In the free workshops for Heureka visitors, visitors could build their own wooden code lock box, where they could deposit their own future promise. We received a lot of positive feedback from the workshop and over 300 code lock boxes were built during the week. Workshop
was carried out according to the partner's wishes and a completely unique wooden lock box was also designed for it.

Both Heureka and Abloy were really excited about the collaboration and this was something new for both of them and
exciting. The collaboration was planned almost a year before its concrete implementation, and various ideas were thrown around until the final implementation model was arrived at.

- Our common goal was to get
people to think through the promises of the future, what everyone could concretely do and promise for a more responsible tomorrow. Of course, we also wanted through the workshop to offer an opportunity to have a good time tinkering with locks and a lasting memory, because everyone took home the lock box they built in the workshop as a souvenir
, says Laura Väänänen, who is responsible for Abloy's responsibility communication.

- Cooperation with Heureka is
went really well. We are united by the value world of responsibility, which is important to both of us, and we want to expand our influence by involving others as well
to pay attention to issues related to responsibility,
Laura continues.

- Collaboration planning and implementation consideration Heurekan
with was really rich in ideas and it was wonderful with the enthusiasm with which they grasped all our ideas, threw in their own thoughts and ideas and thus together we were able to create something that was pleasing to both of us, that inspired the visitors and
a cooperative ensemble and workshop that inspires children and young people
, Laura says.

-Genuine enthusiasm for cooperation,
listening to the partner's wishes and interactive ideation together came really naturally from the Heureka team, and through them we were able to plan and implement a diamond collaboration that achieved all our goals,
Laura adds.