• Visiting hours

    Mondays 10 a.m. to 5 p.m
    Tuesdays 10 a.m. to 5 p.m
    Wednesdays 10 a.m. to 5 p.m
    Thursdays from 10 a.m to 8 p.m
    Fridays 10 a.m. to 5 p.m
    Saturdays 10 a.m. to 6 p.m
    on Sundays 10 a.m. to 6 p.m

    During the school year we open for school and early childhood education groups on Monday and Friday at 10 a.m., by appointment Tuesday–Thursday at 9 a.m.

    Read more about the exceptional opening hours
  • Prices

    Exhibition ticket €7.50/pupil

    Independent introduction to all open exhibitions.

    Exhibitions and one school program €9.00/pupil

    Independent introduction to all open exhibitions and participating in one guided program suitable for age group.

    Read more about prices
  • Payment and payment methods

    School prices require reservation in advance and co-payment. School prices are valid for Finnish primary and secondary school groups when the visit is carried out by the teacher.

    You can pay for your visit by cash, debit or credit card or with the invoice sent after the visit. The billing surcharge is 8 euros.

    Read more about payment methods
  • Meals and snacks

    A possible lunch or other meals can be booked directly at Science Restaurant. Meals are paid to the restaurant.

    School groups can enjoy their own snacks in the designated eating area. Eating in the exhibition area is not permitted.

    Read more about eating possibilities for groups at Heureka
  • Tule mukaan Ursan liveplanetaarioesitykseen

    Mitä taivaalla juuri nyt näkyy ja mitä kaikkea sieltä voi löytää? Live-opastuksessa tutustutaan
tähtikuvioihin, planeettoihin ja muihin taivaan kohteisiin.
    Planetaarioesitys sisältyy näyttelylipun hintaan ja on varattavissa 18.–29.11. väliselle ajalle.

    Varaa esitys ryhmällesi
  • Kuvassa hetki avaruudesta. Kuvan keskellä iso loistava kappale sekä tähtikuvio sekä iso määrä tuikkivia tähtiä.

    Robotics Weeks 16.–27.9.

    Let's learn about robotics and programming in an exciting way by doing it ourselves! During the theme weeks we offer practical activities for primary and secondary school groups. You can book an activity just for your own group by prior reservation or participate activities on a nonstop basis. Take control of the programming and book your visit among the first!

    Read more about Robotics Weeks
  • Heurekan turvallisemman tilan periaatteiden kuvitusihmisiä.

    Heureka is a safe space

    In Heureka everyone should feel safe. Let's take others into account, treat everyone equally and not bully, discriminate or disturb.

    Read more about the Heureka's principles for a safer space
  • Koulut ja varhaiskasvatus -esite

    Let's plan and book a wonderfull visit to Heureka!

    Exhibitions, programmes for daycare groups, prices and booking tips - everything in one package! You can download a brochure as a PDF or order a printed version from Heureka. The brochure is in Finnish.

    Read more about school group programmes for autumn 2024
Laboratoriotakkinen tyttö katsoo ihmetellen mikroskooppiin.

Tips for planning your visit

A visit to Heureka inspires students to learn all kinds of things! Make the most of your visit by preparing for it together in advance and continue the learning experience even after your visit to the school.

See tips for a successful visit
Kuvassa on kaksi lasta, joilla on laboratoriotakit sekä suojalasit ja he ihmettelevät savuavaa koepulloa. Kuvassa lisäksi muita koepulloja, joissa värikkäitä nesteitä.

Reservations for school groups

The earlier the better!
Make a reservation for your group at least a week before the visit, and you are entitled to group tickets at school prices. Reservations are made directly in the electronic reservation system

Book a visit
Heurekan Matkalla avaruudessa -näyttelyssä tyttö ja poika seisovat suuren Kuun edessä.

Learning continues at school

Learning materials

The exhibitions are accompanied by tasks that expand on their themes, workshop instructions and mobile games and guides, which can be used either before visiting Heureka, during the visit or afterwards at school. Also take a look at the Finnish-language materials produced by ESERO Finland to support space themes.

Learn more about the study materials