Partnership models

Before the visit, during the visit or after at the school

School assignments

The Heureka exhibitions are accompanied by tasks that expand on their themes, workshop instructions and mobile games and guides, which can be used either before a visit to Heureka, during the visit or afterwards at school.

Also take a look at the Finnish-language materials produced by ESERO Finland, i.e. the European Space Education Research Office, to support space themes.

The instructions can be downloaded and printed in pdf format.

Colour in what you saw and experienced at Heureka.

Start here!

Colour in what you saw and experienced at Heureka

How did you feel the visit to Heureka? What was the best thing you saw?

Colouring picture fits for all age groups.

Download a colouring picture (pdf)
  • Leikin voima -näyttelyssä poika piirtää digitaaliselle näytölle.

    Long live the game learning material

    The educational materials related to the Power of Play exhibition are suitable for elementary school classes and they practice interaction and friendship skills. The tasks are suitable for implementation before or after a visit to Heureka.

    The tasks can be used individually or you can compile a larger one from the tasks
    the whole. The tasks are also suitable for use without visiting Heureka.

    Long live the game learning material
  • Artificial Intelligence - Me, Myself & AI Tasks

    Instructions for school-based workshops on machine learning and programming, as well as tasks related to their themes for primary and secondary school.

    Get to know the tasks
  • Rat basketball tasks

    Get to know the life of domestic rats and animal behavior in general. The material is suitable for 1st-6th graders. The rat basketball learning materials contain tasks and studies to be carried out at school and in Heureka, which are related to the Heureka Rat basketball exhibition site, i.e. the tame rats living in Heureka.

    Appendices of the study material
    Teachers guide

    Rat basketball learning materials
  • Photosynthesis tasks

    The Photosynthesis learning material set is intended as tasks either before visiting the Photosynthesis laboratory program, as additional tasks for processing the topic of photosynthesis, or as post-tasks to review laboratory program experiences.

    The material has its own sets for grades 3–6 and 7–9.

    The material consists of functional classroom activities that allow you to familiarize yourself with bonding as a biological, chemical and physical phenomenon.

    The learning material introduces food chains, the anatomy and physiology of plants, such as the capillary phenomenon and cells, the chemistry of connection and osmosis.

    Photosynthesis learning materials for grades 3–6
    Photosynthesis learning materials for grades 7–9

  • Sähkölä tasks

    The learning materials of the Sähkölä exhibition are intended as tasks either before visiting the exhibition, as additional tasks along with getting to know the exhibition, or as post-tasks.

    Learning paths with different themes are formed from the material. The teacher can therefore choose from the material the task/tasks on which he/she wants the students to focus especially with the curriculum in mind.

    The purpose of the tasks is to develop the student's own thinking and argumentation skills, both individually and in a group.

    For whom: Grades 1-9
    Connections to exhibitions: Sähkölä exhibition

    • Instructions and information for the user of Sähkölä learning materials

    Sähkölä exhibition learning materials for primary school children

    Sähkölä exhibition learning materials for middle school students

  • Intestinal hissing tasks

    The "Intestinal hissing" exhibition presents in a fun and perceptive way
    the structure and function of a healthy digestive tract and tells how the body obtains the building materials and fuel it needs from food.

    For whom: Elementary school.

    Duration: 30–60 min.

    Connections to exhibitions and programs: Sulistossa suhisee exhibition.

    Links to the curriculum: Biology, environmental and natural science.

  • For a sustainable future

    Study material and assignments on the principles of circular economy and sustainable development. The material package contains tasks for elementary and middle school students, secondary school students and adults.

    The set of learning materials has been implemented in cooperation with Sitra

    Working on a sustainable future workshop instructions
  • The chemistry of fragrances

    The material consists of three tasks that can be connected to each other or held separately: a scent memory game, a solubility test, and the preparation of perfume oil. With the help of the works, you can get to know the functionality of your own sense of smell, the emotions evoked by scents and prepare your own perfume oil.

    In addition, we will get to know the concept of solubility and the chemistry of fragrances.

    The workshop is suitable for school-aged children.

    The workshop is suitable for implementation at school and its duration is 15-30 minutes.

    Instructions for the fragrance chemistry workshop
  • Ugly jeans and fake money

    In the workshop, ideas are given on how to make ugly jeans and an abandoned teddy bear last longer

    Get to know the study materials
  • Mug cake

    Ping! You can easily get to know the chemistry of cooking by making mug cakes in the microwave. Recipes can be developed endlessly and a delicious cake is ready in no time. The mug cake workshop was held in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Society of Finnish Chemists.

    The workshop is suitable for school-aged children. The workshop instructions are freely available to teachers. The workshop is suitable for implementation at school and its duration is 15-30 minutes.

    Check out the workshop
  • Round sky

    Kiertotaivas is a functional workshop related to the use of plastic waste, where plastic bags are made into a joint work of science and art. Plastic thrown into nature is an environmental risk, but if collected and recycled, plastic can be reused and thus save resources - and nature.

    The lesson-long workshop provides information on the use of plastics, their collection and recycling. The workshop instructions are freely available to teachers.

    The creation of the Kiertotaivas workshop was made possible by cooperation with Neste Oyj

    Check out the workshop instructions
  • Wood daily

    Wood every day materials consist of nine different workshops and additional tasks. Several modules are available, from which the teacher can build a suitable whole for one or more lessons for different year classes. The workshops have options for early childhood education
    to high school age.

    The spectrum of working methods covers a wide range from crafting to forest trips, as well as reflection and
    from discussion to accurate scientific measurement and observation of test results.

    Some of the workshops are carried out in the classroom, some in the yard or in the forest, and some can be carried out both in the classroom and outside.

    The creation of the "Wood every day" workshop complex was made possible by cooperation with Metsäteollisuus ry .

    Check out the workshop instructions
  • Sour art

    In the workshop, watercolor painting is done with blueberry juice and substances that react to blueberry juice found in the kitchen. At the same time, not only by measuring with pH paper, but also by means of art, we get to know the acidity and chemical reactions of different substances.

    Get to know the tasks
  • Spear a balloon

    In the spear-balloon workshop, there is tension as to whether the balloon will succeed
    spearing with a barbecue stick. The goal is to understand the basic chemical structure and life cycle of plastic. The workshop is part of the school program of the 100th anniversary of the Society of Finnish Chemists.

    The workshop is suitable for school-aged children.

    The workshop instructions are freely available to teachers. The workshop is suitable for implementation at school and its duration is 5 minutes.

    Check out the workshop instructions

Mobile games

Mobile game

Guts hissing mobile guide

Explore how our digestive system works.

Get to know

Mobile game

Kivipuisto mobile guide

Familiarize yourself with Finnish stone types.

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Mobile game

My2050 Vantaa learning game

A learning game about climate change and the future.

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