Svenska tekniska vetenkapsakademien i Finland and Heureka

Svenska tekniska vetenkapsakademien i Finland (STViF) has started cooperation with Heureka in 2024. The cooperation started with STViF's support for the Children's Medicine Day event, the purpose of which is to present everything related to the field of medicine and technology in a happy and positive way.

Ylhäältäpäin otettu kuva lapsista, joilta otetaan sormenpäistä happisaturaatiota. Laboratoriotakkinen nainen seuraa toimintaa vierestä.

"Technology and medicine have a strong connection that goes back centuries and is even stronger in today's digital age. Advances in technology have allowed medicine to develop and improve diagnostic and treatment methods in many ways. Thanks to advanced technology such as computed tomography and robotic surgery, doctors can to diagnose and treat diseases more precisely. New technologies also help to understand the causes of diseases at the molecular level. Wearable devices and sensors enable real-time monitoring of health. The interaction between technology and medicine constantly inspires new innovations that improve health care and people's lives."

Heurekan näyttelykohde, jossa voi mitata paljonko syke kohoaa liikkuessa.

"During Heureka Children's Medicine Day, we had our own workshop "Raise your heart rate!!", where visitors had the opportunity to monitor their heart rate using a small heart rate monitor attached to their finger. The task included physical activities such as jumping, dancing and running, and the participants could see their heart rate change in real time. The program target got his inspiration for the TekNatur competition , which we organize together with Arcada University of Applied Sciences and Tekniska Föreningen i Finland . The event gave us an excellent opportunity to present our joint activities. The visitors of Heureka found the workshop inspiring and interesting."

Kuva ylhäältä Heurekan näyttelytilaan. Kuvassa kävijöitä sekä Heurekan innoittaja työtakki päällään.

"The collaboration with Heureka continues. We are exploring more different ways to engage and inspire young people in science and technology. Through the collaboration, we promote interest in science topics and influence positive development in the field of education and research."