Photosynthesis Laboratory

In the laboratory program you get to know the basic principles of photosynthesis through various experimental works that are the most stimulating for research. The goal of the program is to introduce the students to photosynthesis, to go through the prerequisites for it, and to study what is produced as a result, i.e. the final product. The program teaches research skills typical of the natural sciences, the use of laboratory equipment and occupational safety. In addition, the student expands his understanding of the carbon sequestration capabilities of plants and plant sciences.


For whom: Grades 3-9

Duration: 45 min

Group size: max 24

Connections to the curriculum: A program is suitable for elementary school environmental studies and middle school biology and chemistry curricula.


The program is accompanied by educational material that expands the themes of connection. Materials are available only in Finnish and Swedish.


Photosynthesis learning materials for grades 3–6 and 7–9