Kuvassa Heurekan innoittaja, joka pitää kädessään korkeaa lasista koepulloa, josta savuaa ulos nestemäistä typpeä.

Get to know Heureka's sponsored science class activities

What could unite the students of the class better than a day together around exciting and inspiring themes? Heureka's exhibitions and interactive programs offer unforgettable experiences for school and early childhood education groups, but an empty tour desk can sometimes be an obstacle to experiences. In this case, the solution can be found in sponsored science class activity. Up to 10,000 students visit Heureka every year, supported by different companies or foundations. The support of the partners enables the desired and memorable visit to Heureka every year for numerous children of school and early childhood education age, who would otherwise not necessarily have the opportunity to visit the science center.
The Heureka trip inspires students to get to know the achievements of science and the innovations that make our everyday lives easier. It motivates students in their studies and hopefully also gives ideas and direction for future working.

Tyttö ja poika tekevät kokeiluja Heurekan laboratoriossa. Poikaa naurattaa kovasti.

What does the sponsored science class package includes?

The sponsored science class package includes entrance tickets to Heureka's exhibitions, round-trip charter bus transportation from the school to Heureka and back, as well as programmatic content thought out together with the partner supporting the science sponsor program. In addition to exhibition tickets, the package can include, for example, an interactive laboratory or workshop program led by Heureka's inspiration, a planetarium film, or both of those.

Laboratoriotakkinen tyttö katsoo ihmetellen mikroskooppiin.

To whom and when?

Sponsored science class packages are directed together with a partner to school classes or early childhood education groups in the area considered. Sponsored science class packages are available for both Finnish- and Swedish-speaking groups. You can apply for a sponsor class through the application form on Heureka's website, always for each sponsor program separately. Application times are announced on Heureka's website, social media channels and in the newsletter aimed at schools and early childhood education.
Sponsored science class visits can be reserved for selected groups at pre-announced times outside of the busiest study tour and holiday seasons. More detailed visit and booking instructions will be sent separately to the classes selected according to each sponsored science class program.

Lapset piirtävät Heurekan Tekoäly-näyttelyssä.

What does it cost?

The costs of entrance tickets, trips and pre-arranged programmatic content for sponsored science class visits are covered by the partner company of each sponsored science class program. With the possible exception of meals, the visits are free of charge for selected groups.


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Are you interested in sponsored science class visits? As a subscriber to the school information newsletter, you will be the first to receive information about new sponsored science class applications and other current issues aimed at schools and early childhood education groups.

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