Welcome to Children's Medicine Day!

On Saturday, March 23, 2024, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. , Heureka will celebrate the beloved Children's Medicine Day, where both children and adults can step into the shoes of a doctor or researcher.

Entrance tickets on the day of the event at the price of a normal Heureka ticket.

• Purchased online in advance, €22 for adults, €15 for children and other discount groups
• When purchased on the spot, €24 for adults, €17 for children and other discount groups
• Children under 5 free
• Free of charge with Museum card, Heureka Club card and Kaiku card.

The event will be photographed7

Today's program

The program is still being supplemented. There may also be changes to the program.

Lapset jumppaamassa sohvalla, edessä käsi, jossa mittari sormessa.

Get your heart rate up!

In the workshop, you can monitor your heart rate with the help of a small meter on your finger. Jump, dance or run in place - what happens?

Svenska tekniska vetenkapsakademien i Finland wants to show how technology can promote an inclusive society, regardless of background, in key areas such as discussion, education and research. They also want to emphasize the importance of a diverse population and sustainable development. Their vision is that technology should be used to promote positive values ​​and future goals.

The workshop is located in the suhisee exhibition in Suolisto.

Check out the ambulance!

What does an ambulance look like? What's inside it? The ambulance and its staff are available throughout the event. The ambulance is parked indoors at the Event Square. From 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Learn about prosthetic eyes!

Laura Routa, known from TikTok, presents eye prostheses. With Laura's point, you can fold your own eye prosthesis. In addition, you get to meet Jonna, who lost her eyes as a child, who tells her own story about life with an eye prosthesis. From 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Laura talks about eye prostheses in the auditorium at 1 p.m. The lecture lasts about 30 minutes.

  • Breathe!

    Come and make your own lungs and breathe air into them!

    Also suitable for smaller family members.

  • Wow, blood!

    In this fun workshop, you can use sensory play to get to know what blood is made of.

    Also suitable for smaller family members.

  • Kuvassa tietokoneen näyttö, jolla näkyy röntgenkuva.

    Peek into the body!

    In this workshop you will get to know ultrasound imaging. Aalto University researchers present the operation of an ultrasound imaging device. You get to see how the image is formed and explore what is hidden inside the tissue model. The workshop will be held at Laboratorio Ytime.

    Also suitable for smaller family members.

    In Aalto University's Medical Ultrasonics laboratory, new diagnostic and treatment methods based on ultrasound are being developed.

  • Molecules of me!

    DNA is the secret ingredient in each of our recipes that sets us apart from others. It can be used to find out, for example, family relationships and crimes. In this workshop you get to see what your own secret ingredient looks like!

    Age recommendation: 6+

Teddy bear hospital

At the Teddy Bear Hospital run by HUS, you can check the well-being of your teddy bear and take care of it. The teddy bear hospital is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

You can come to the activity point with any of your own soft toys or dolls. If you have left your teddy bear at home, you can also borrow a soft toy from the point.

Helsinki Biobank is also participating in the point from 10 am to 1 pm.

Hymyilevä Heurekan innoittaja ja savuava koepullo.

Science theater in the Auditorium

In the auditorium, you can admire and marvel at the great science theater. The presentations last about 20 minutes. Also suitable for smaller family members.

At 11 o'clock
12 o'clock
14 o'clock
16 o'clock

  • Quiz

    Come alone, in pairs or with the whole family to take part in the quiz, which asks various questions related to medicine.

    The quiz is played with Kahoot, which is a free application that has also become popular in the school world. You can familiarize yourself with the application in advance here . The application works on both Android and iOS devices.

    At 11 o'clock
    14 o'clock
    At 3 p.m
    16 o'clock

  • Choir performances

    You get to hear insightful songs about science and space. The Tähtisumu choir and the groups Galaxi and Group X from the Helsinki Conservatory will be on stage.

    12 o'clock
    At 1 p.m

Lattialla lapsia sekä nukke, jolla on siteitä jalassa sekä rintakehässä.

Learn first aid!

Come and learn first aid skills at a point of the Finnish Red Cross! The workshop lasts 40 min. One workshop can accommodate 12 children over 6 years old. Places are filled in order of arrival.

at 10:30 a.m
at 11:30 a.m
at 12:30 p.m
at 1:30 p.m
at 2:30 p.m
at 3:30 p.m
at 4:30 p.m

Korva ja korvaan asennettava laite.

Learn about hearing - try a hearing test!

At Kuuloliitto's point, you can get information about hearing, hearing research, the meaning of hearing and noise. It's not worth stressing about examining your hearing! In addition, you get to see a lion using a hearing aid and hearing aids.

Juho Jauhiainen, experience operator of Kuulolliitto, will talk about his own hearing experiences in the auditorium at 1:30 p.m. The lecture lasts about 30 minutes.

  • Rat feeding shows

    What is a rat's favorite food? Why does a rat hide its food? Or Did you know, for example, that Heureka's rats get fresh restaurant food every day?

    In the rat feeding shows, the rat driver serves the rats fresh delicacies such as salad, cucumber, carrot and grains. While the rats are munching on vegetables, the inspirer talks about the rats' behavior, feeding and everyday life at Heureka's Rottala. The show lasts about 10 minutes.

    At 11:30
    At 15:30

  • Kaksi aikuista istuu planetaarion penkeillä. Kuvulla näkyy kuva avaruudesta tuhansine tähtineen.


    In the planetarium, films are shown on a hemispherical screen, which makes the viewer feel like they are at the center of the events.

    - All planetarium movies of the day are included in the Heureka ticket price.
    - Attention! The age limit for the planetarium is 5 years.
    - Your place in the screening is reserved with a QR code, which can be found on the screen in front of the planetarium.

    Today's schedule:

    Living worlds: 10.30, 13.00, 15.30
    3-2-1 Let's go!: 11.15, 13.45, 16.15
    Satellite: 12:15, 14:45, 17:15


Snacking place and breastfeeding peace

For the event, a snack area near the Info point has been reserved for your own snacks. In addition, the Science Restaurant serves the hungry throughout the event.

In this event, we also piloted the Imetysrauha point, which is reserved for those who need a quiet and comfortable place to feed their baby.