Current weather and space phenomena!
The exhibition is on display for the time being.
Information from the Earth and space
Information from Earth and space
The Science on Sphere site presents data collected by satellites about the oceans, climate, earth's crust and astronomy.
Science On a Sphere is a projection device developed by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Data collected by satellites from the oceans is mainly projected onto the surface of a sphere with a diameter of parimetric,
climate, earth's crust and space. Some of the material is updated every day.
At the "Science on Sphere" site, you can see e.g.
From the Earth : Shapes of the Earth's surface, movements of the continental plates, earthquakes, the boundary between night and day and the Earth's magnetism.
About the oceans : Ocean currents, ocean surface temperature, surface fluctuations and tsunamis, sea animal migration routes and the extent of snow cover in the northern hemisphere.
About the atmosphere: Hurricanes, lightning strikes, temperature fluctuations, carbon dioxide concentration, satellites and weather forecasts.
From space: the Solar System, the Moon, the planets and the planets' moons and the Milky Way.
Earth's surface shapes, plate movements, earthquakes, night and day boundaries and the Earth's magnetism.
Ocean currents, ocean surface temperatures, sea level variations and tsunamis, marine animal migration routes and the extent of snow cover in the northern hemisphere.
Thunderstorms, lightning strikes, temperature changes, carbon dioxide levels, satellites and weather forecasts.
The Solar System, the Moon, the planets, the moons of the planets and the Milky Way.