Planetarium will be closed from 12.8.2024

The Planetarium is open every day during the summer, so you still have time to catch a movie before it closes on 12 August for a major renovation.

Planetaario suljetaan 12.8.2024 alkaen

Heureka's planetarium undergoes the biggest transformation in its history. Opened in 1989 and last renovated almost 20 years ago, the planetarium's interior and presentation technology will be updated to meet today's expectations and standards. The project is being carried out in partnership with the French planetarium supplier RSA Cosmos.

Opened in 1989, the Heureka Planetarium was a pioneer in planetarium technology. In 2006-2007, the super cinema was transformed into a digital planetarium. Now the planetarium is set to undergo an even bigger transformation, with a complete overhaul of the projection technology, including the projection dome. The project has received funding from the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2022.

The public will be able to enjoy an improved image quality with many times the resolution and luminosity of the current planetarium system. At the same time, the traditional 5.1-channel surround sound will be replaced by modern surround sound.

The renovation will also improve the accessibility of the space, with particular attention to lighting and the positioning of wheelchair spaces. The stairs and passageways of the planetarium will also be made more accessible. Film presentations will be provided in four languages, not only through headsets but also through personal induction loops and subtitles will be provided through AR glasses.

"People are used to really high-quality presentation technology at home, in cinemas and at concerts. We want to offer Heureka visitors impressive, immersive experiences that they will remember for a long time. This requires that, in addition to the content presented in the planetarium, the technology and visitor experience are first class," says Lauri Hynninen, Project Manager for the renovation.

"We are really excited about this unique project and working with Heureka's motivated team. RSA Cosmos is a leader in the planetarium market, with over 400 planetariums delivered to more than 50 countries. We are very proud to be able to install top-class equipment in Heureka's iconic planetarium. Our turnkey solution will provide the public with an unforgettable and highly immersive experience in Heureka's renovated planetarium," says Bahar Gumus, Sales Manager at RSA Cosmos.

The Heureka Planetarium will be closed for renovation on 12 August 2024 and will reopen in autumn 2025.

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