The Living Worlds planetarium movie

Life has shaped the Earth. Signs of life, such as the forests that keep our climate in balance, as well as the winds that transport life-essential water and oxygen to the farthest corners of our globe, can be seen even light years away. This fully digital planetarium movie takes you on a journey through time to learn about life as one of the most important features of our home planet.

The film tells how life and the Earth have developed together, and shows how life has shaped the Earth's surface and climate over billions of years. You will also learn how light and colors can help us recognize life on other distant planets. We often wonder what life could be like in our solar system and beyond. However, the film Living Worlds encourages the viewer to think about how a deeper understanding of our own planet can help us search for life in other corners of space and how we could cooperate with this living world of ours to ensure our own survival as well in the future.

Age limit: 5 years

Duration of the film: 27 min.

Language: The film is spoken in Finnish, but you can listen to it through headphones in Swedish, English or Russian.

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    Summer tips for a Heureka visit

    See tips for your summer visit to Heureka! Heureka is open every day from 24.6.-11.8.2024 from 9-18 during the summer.

  • Planetaario suljetaan 12.8.2024 alkaen

    Planetarium will be closed from 12.8.2024

    The Planetarium is open every day during the summer, so you still have time to catch a movie before it closes on 12 August for a major renovation.

  • Toiseksi maineikkain organisaatio

    Second most reputable organisation

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  • Heurekan turvallisemman tilan periaatteet

    Heureka is a safe space

    Everyone has the right to feel safe at Heureka. When I am at Heureka,I follow these principles for a safe space.

  • Kesän tiedeleirit 2024

    Summer Science Camps 2024 in English weeks 27 & 28


    Note! There are English-speaking camps on weeks 27 and 28. All other camps are in Finnish.

  • Torstain iltalippu kympillä

    Thursday evening ticket for 10 €


    Heureka offers admission tickets for 10 euros on Thursdays from 15:00 to 20:00 for both adults and children and young people aged 5-17. Children under the age of 5 can enter Heureka free of charge with a guardian. Thursday evening ticket prices are not valid 20.6.–8.8., 17.10., 5.12. and 26.12.

  • Jokiniemen arkeologiset kaivaukset

    Archaeological excavations at Jokiniemi


    Sign up and come and learn the excavation technique of archaeological excavation in practice! The excavations will be carried out on 24–28 June 2024 and 1–5 July 2024.

  • Lahjalippu Heurekaan

    Gift ticket to Heureka

    Valid for 12 months from the date of purchase

    A gift of shared time with science experiences! With a gift ticket, you can experience a whopping 7 interactive exhibitions and the planetarium's captivating films.

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    EcoCompass environmental certificate for Heureka


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